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About Us

A dedicated working professional and a loving mother of two charming daughters, i always harbored a vision of elevating handpicked,  luxurious materials for Bedlinen Furnishings and designs that speak to the soul.

Driven by the determination, i embarked on this journey, collaborating with manufacturers from every corner of India and curated a lavish array of bedding sets, showcasing them on Instagram, and thus, in November 2021, the seed of royalbeddingheritage was sown.

Within just two months of its inception, the venture witnessed an astounding success story. It wasn’t merely a business; it was a vision coming to life. The offerings expanded, and the diverse range of bedding products garnered an enthusiastic audience.

The journey has been one of sleepless nights and early mornings, of learning, growing, and refining our craft. We’ve labored to create a brand that not only offers exceptional products but also embodies the spirit of passion and hard work that drives us.

I invite you to explore our collection and experience firsthand the dedication and passion that we’ve poured into every product. Together, let’s elevate your decore experience to a new level of comfort and style.

Thank you for being a part of this incredible journey with us.

Warm regards

Neha Goswami ,

Founder : Royal Bedding heritage 

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